Transform your home and boost your mood - Winter edition

Winter is often seen as a time to hunker down and cozy up indoors. However, the winter season is a perfect opportunity to tackle some much-needed home cleaning and organising. With the shorter days and longer nights, having a clean, clutter-free space can significantly improve your mood and well-being, after all we tend to spend a lot more time indoors during the colder months. So, here are some practical winter cleaning and organising tips to help you create a serene and stress-free environment in your home.

1. Start with a Plan

Before diving into cleaning and organising, take some time to make a plan. Identify the areas of your home that need the most attention and prioritise them. Whether it's your kitchen, bedroom, living room, or home office, having a clear plan will make the task more manageable.

2. Declutter Room by Room

Tackling your entire home at once can be overwhelming and unrealistic for most of us. Instead, focus on one room at a time or one category at a time (ie: books, clothes, etc). Begin by sorting through your belongings and deciding what to keep, donate, or throw away. Ask yourself these 3 questions: Do I need this? Do I use it? Do I love it? Decluttering not only frees up space but also creates a more organised and calming environment.

3. Deep Clean Your Space

Once you've decluttered, it's time to deep clean. It’s specially important to keep a clean home during the winter months when we tend to spend more time indoors and we are more prone to sickness.

Here are some tips for a thorough winter clean:

  • Dust Everything: Start from the top and work your way down. Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, shelves, and baseboards.

  • Clean Windows and Mirrors: Let in as much natural light as possible by cleaning windows and mirrors. This can brighten up your home and improve your mood.

  • Refresh Upholstery: Clean your sofas, chairs, and cushions. If possible, wash removable covers or use a fabric cleaner.

  • Pro Tip: Choose one task a week and those deep cleaning jobs won’t feel so overwhelming.

4. Organise Your Storage Spaces

Winter is the perfect time to organise your closets, drawers, and other storage spaces. Invest in storage solutions like bins, baskets, and dividers to keep everything in order. Labeling containers can also make it easier to find items when you need them. Consider these tips:

  • Rotate Seasonal Items: Store away summer clothes and bring out your winter wardrobe. This will free up space and make your daily routine more efficient.

  • Optimise Closet Space: Use space-saving hangers, shoe racks, and drawer dividers to maximize your closet space.

  • Tidy Up the Pantry: Organise your pantry by grouping similar items together and discarding expired products. Clear containers can help you see what you have at a glance.

5. Create a Cozy Atmosphere

After cleaning and organising, add some cozy touches to your home to make it a welcoming retreat from the cold. Here are a few ideas:

  • Add Warm Textiles: Layer your space with warm blankets, throw pillows, and rugs. These not only add comfort but also create a cozy vibe.

  • Incorporate Warm Lighting: Use soft, warm lighting to make your home feel inviting. Consider adding candles or lamps with warm-toned bulbs.

  • Use Calming Scents: Aromatherapy can have a significant impact on your mood and health. Use essential oils, good quality scented candles, or diffusers with calming scents such as lavender, chamomile, or vanilla.

6. Maintain Your Clean Space

Once you've achieved a clean and organised home, the key is to maintain it. The good news is that once you’ve decluttered your home, keeping it clean and organised will become a lot easier. It’s a good idea to create a cleaning routine and get your family members involved to keep the space tidy. Simple daily habits like making your bed, doing a kitchen reset at the end of the day, and putting things back in their designated places can make a big difference.

Winter cleaning and organising may seem like a daunting task, but the benefits are well worth the effort. A clean, clutter-free home can boost your mood, reduce stress, and create a more enjoyable living environment. Make it fun, put on your favourite music, and create a home sanctuary for you and your family to enjoy throughout the cold winter months and beyond.


From Chaos to Calm - The Power of Decluttering


Top 10 Space-Saving Tips for an Organised Home