Spring Cleaning: 7 Simple Rules to Declutter, Organise, and Simplify

Spring is officially here! Although, you wouldn't guess it from where I'm sitting. As I glance out the window, there’s fresh snow on the mountain, the cold wind is howling, and the rain hasn’t stopped for days. Nevertheless, spring definitely brings that unmistakable vibe of fresh starts in the air.🌸 It's the perfect season to hit the refresh button and get our homes and our heads ready for the busy months ahead. Ok, but let’s be real: spring cleaning can feel like a daunting task. Where do you even start? And how do you make it something more than just another chore on your endless to-do list?

This year, let’s switch things up. Instead of dreading the decluttering process, what if we approached it in a way that genuinely simplifies your life and makes room for more joy? I’ve put together 7 simple rules to help you do just that. Think of them as your personal spring cleaning playbook—a guide to making this whole process feel lighter, easier, and yes, maybe even a bit fun. 😊

1. Start Small, Stay Focused

One of the biggest mistakes we make when tackling spring cleaning is trying to do it all at once. This year, instead of overwhelming yourself, start small and stay focused. Pick one room, or even just a drawer or closet, to begin with. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes and commit to that time. You’d be surprised how much you can accomplish when you focus on one task at a time! Plus, knocking out these smaller tasks will build momentum and keep you motivated to keep going.

2. Use the "One In, One Out" Rule

I love this one and it’s a great rule to live by when it comes to decluttering is the "One In, One Out" rule. For every new item that comes into your home, one must go. This not only helps you manage the amount of stuff you have, but it also makes you more mindful of your purchases. Before buying something new, ask yourself: Do I have room for this? What will I let go of to make space for it? - This rule keeps the balance and prevents clutter from sneaking back into your home.

3. Let Go of the "Just in Case" Mentality

How many times have you held onto something “just in case” you might need it someday? Let’s say goodbye to the “just in case” mentality! If you haven’t used it in the past year, it’s probably safe to let it go. Donate, recycle, or give it away. Trust that if by any chance you ever really need it, you’ll find a way to get it. Holding onto these items often weighs us down more than we realise. Lighten your load and make space for what actually matters.

4. Embrace the "Four-Box" Method

When decluttering, it can be hard to decide what to keep and what to let go of. The "Four-Box" method makes this process a lot easier. Grab four boxes or bins and label them: ‘Keep, Donate, Recycle, and Rubish’. As you go through each item, place it in the appropriate box. This method helps you stay organised, prevents decision fatigue, and ensures that every item finds its rightful place.

5. Keep What Makes Sense for Your Current Season

As life changes, so do our needs. When decluttering, think about what really makes sense for your current season of life. Are there items that suited a past version of yourself but no longer serve you now? Maybe it’s time to let go of the kitchen gadgets you never use or the stacks of books gathering dust. Focus on keeping or buying things that genuinely fit your lifestyle today, not the one you had years ago or the fantasy one you wish you had. I know sometimes it can be hard to accept that our current life is not what used to be or what we fantasied about, but by doing this, you’ll create a space that feels relevant, intentional and perfectly aligned with where you are right now.

6. Designate a "Clutter-Free Zone"

Choose one area in your home to be your designated "Clutter-Free Zone." This could be your kitchen counter, your bedside table, or even your living room coffee table. Make a rule that this space stays clear, no matter what. It’s a small but powerful habit that can help train your mind to embrace more order and less clutter. Plus, having at least one tidy space can bring a sense of calm and motivation to tackle the rest of your home.

7. Practice the "10-Minute Tidy"

Make it a daily ritual to spend just 10 minutes tidying up your home. It’s amazing how much of a difference 10 minutes can make! Set a timer and do a quick reset of your main living areas. Put away items that don’t belong, wipe down surfaces, and straighten up cushions or blankets. This daily habit helps keep clutter at bay and makes your home feel more organised and welcoming, without a lot of effort.

Make Room for More Joy - Spring cleaning isn’t just about dusting and scrubbing – it’s about making space for what really matters. By following these 7 rules, you can simplify your life, reduce stress, and create a home that feels lighter, brighter, and easier to manage. 🌿 Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. Every little step you take towards decluttering and organising brings you closer to a home that supports the life you want to live. 

So put on your favourite playlist, set a timer, and let’s get started! Happy spring cleaning! 


From Chaos to Calm - The Power of Decluttering